I'm Gayathri

I'm Gayathri

(pron. gah-yuh-three)

About me

I'm an Aspiring UX Researcher & Designer and problem solver with a passion to bridge the "gap" between tech and humans through UX.

Currently pursuing my master's degree in Information Studies (UX Research & Design) at UT Austin. Previously graduated with a CS degree in my undergraduate studies.

How I found UX

How I found UX

How I found UX

Growing up, I was always fascinated by new technology and interested in helping people. After taking up CS in highschool, I realized that UX is the perfect field of helping people with accessing technology.

Currently, I'm learning more about accessible UX, and working on making this website more accessible; UX Design and Quantitative Research.

Other things I enjoy

Other things I enjoy

Other things I enjoy

Outside of UX, you can find me searching for the best cappuccino, visiting museums,, new music, rewatching anime or learning new languages (currently learning Korean 한글, Japanese 日本語).